Ptarmigan is no longer operating in Helsinki.

Ptarmigan existed as a project space in Vallila from 2009-2011 and a mobile curatorial/creative platform until 2014. We no longer exist as an organised collective, but this website will continue to serve as an archive of the activities produced as/at Ptarmigan during these years.

Sound: Music
21 juli 2012 00:00 klo 14:00
del av projektet: Svamp

SVAMP is a sound workshop that takes place at Ptarmigan residency in Esitystaiteen keskus, Suvilahti. All non-musicians and musicians are welcome to join us on Saturday 21st June. We will get together at 2pm and spend some four hours making and listening to sound.

The program is very open and free. The way we'll play depends on how many people come and what kind of stuff is available. We hope to play both acoustically and electronically, so if you have contact
microphones or small amps, bring them along. If you don't have a contact microphone, it's really easy to make one:

Bring any objects that create sounds you fancy: toy or real instruments, vases, utensils, metal objects, branches, beer cans, window panes, rubber balls, portable cassette players etc. If they're precious, you can keep them to yourself, but it's always nice to experiment with stuff other people have brought. We will use them both acoustically and amplify the sounds with contact microphones. Also, if you have bows, mallets, sticks or other stuff to make things resonate, bring them along.

If you don't have anything to bring, come anyway. You can use other people's stuff or your own voice.

Also it's good to bring food to share. Let's make an indoor picnic to keep us going for the afternoon.


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