Ptarmigan is no longer operating in Helsinki.

Ptarmigan existed as a project space in Vallila from 2009-2011 and a mobile curatorial/creative platform until 2014. We no longer exist as an organised collective, but this website will continue to serve as an archive of the activities produced as/at Ptarmigan during these years.


Kontaining13: Traces

Kontaining13: Traces takes place in a shipping container in Lasipalatsinaukio, Helsinki, from the 3rd-9th of June 2013. Kontaining is produced by Ptarmigan ry in association with The Arts Promotion Centre Finland.

This year each of the four Ptarmigan directors will be curating a section of the program according to their own artistic practice. Each artist comes from a different discipline and will produce their own artistic work and/or invite other artists from a variety of genres and backgrounds into the space. One day in the programme will be dedicated to a collaboration between the group in the space.

Kontaining is process-oriented, supports experimentation and encourages interactive and site-specific artwork and cross-media exchange. Each day there will be traces left for the next day’s activities taking into consideration the specific site of the container in Kamppi. The programme will include cross-pollination between diverse categories such as installation, performance, sound, music, screenings and participatory activities.

Image credits: (Avatar image) Liina Kuitinen, performance action at Kontaining 2012/ (Carousel image) ReSwing - Leyla Nasibova, Verónica Bluguermann, Reha Discioglu, at Kontaining 2012.